Saturday 2 April 2011

Audience Poster Feedback

This is a copy of the questionnaire which I gave to a select audience. In it, it also show the results and feedback which the audience suggested.

These results show that there was a split on opinion of which poster would be most effective to advertise my short film. Both ideas 1 and 4 received 7 votes. One reason why design idea 4 was liked, was because of the fact that it would portray the artistic nature of short films and in particular the plot of the short film I intend to make. However, there was an interesting point which was made on design idea 1, saying that there needs to be ore happening in the poster. The character does not look effective and thus appealing enough, so it might not be effective in attracting an audience to watch the film. 
When deciding my final poster design I will take into consideration all of these point mentioned by the audience. This will be important at that they are the TMG (target market grou0 so therefore their opinions are very important as they will be the ones watching my short film.

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