Thursday, 7 April 2011

Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 

Question4 - New Media
See bottom of post for comparison to year 12 film opening.

This is the process of I how I created my film poster. In this video it highlights all of the technological aspects which were involved in this process.


This is the process of I how I created my film review. In this video it highlights all of the technological aspects which were involved in this process. 

However, when using these new technologies, I encountered a few problems. These problems occurred within all sections of planning, making and evaluating my products. Within the planning and research stages of my products, at school my blogger account was blocked which meant I was unable to use my blogger account for the majority of the year. Additionally, at our school YouTube is blocked which caused problems when trying to research short films to then

When making my short film, I had to re-shoot scenes due to technical faults with the camera. The Samsung video recorder which I used cut off the beginning and ending of my scenes which meant that the majority of the dialogue was ruined as it started halfway through sentences. As I have stated, I then had to re-shoot these scenes as the camera had cut so much out that I could not use insert shots to try and compensate for it. This caused problems within itself, as I had to try and match the characters up to the original shots which were usable.

I additionally had difficulty casting for my short film, even though it was not a technical aspect, it still caused great difficulty when trying to film and edit my short film. With the difficulties I found with cast for my AS media film opening, this film I decided to keep the number of cast to a minimum. I went from a cast of 6 to a cast of 4, trying to reduce problems with availability. However, this was not the case. For this short film, I had to recast the main character 3 times. Each time I cast the main character, they then pulled out due to school commitments. This was also the similar case for the character of the girlfriend. When I finally managed to get a cast, it was problematic trying to get a time when they are both available.

Overall, I managed to overcome this and filmed at any moment possible.

Year 12 Coursework

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