The audience of films in general are crucial, it is due to them that films are made, are successful and make the millions of pounds in profit. It is thus critical that films are targeted and marketed right for specific audience's in mind, so that specific audience will view the film and make it successful.
Primarily, short films do not have the wide audience which feature length films do. They therefore have a specialist audience, which consist of a more niche audience. It was this reason why have decided to combine and incorporate my film with the successful, and establish film Production Company “Whitestone Motion Pictures”, which have a global audience. This could thus ensure that my film would be more successful.
Primarily, short films do not have the wide audience which feature length films do. They therefore have a specialist audience, which consist of a more niche audience. It was this reason why have decided to combine and incorporate my film with the successful, and establish film Production Company “Whitestone Motion Pictures”, which have a global audience. This could thus ensure that my film would be more successful.
With this in mind, it gave a basis of the audience of my film. Through investigating the production company’s followers on their YouTube account, I was able to generalise who their primary audience were.
Through their YouTube account it also indicated the quantitative amount of followers and fans. On their YouTube account alone, they have 1,111 subscribers and 83 friends.
Whilst on their Facebook account they had 3,072 likes. This means that out of the many thousands of people who have viewed their Facebook site, that this amount of people have actually flagged it up stating that hey are a fan of the film company.
Finally, on their Twitter account, they have 1,961 following, 1,840 followers.
This research shows that they have a large national audience and following of their films.
With the fact that they have varied age and global audience, makes it more difficult for me to have my film successfully appeal to them, as their are a greater amount of people and need to accommodate for.
With this in mind, when I make my short film, I will have to make it accessible to all countries, especially the language I include within my film. I will also have to make the plot of the film unspecific to a certain age and make sure that all people are able to relate to it.
With these results in mind, I then carried out a research on my TMG (Target market Group) to see which types of short films they like and their views on film reviews and posters. The results which I will accumulate will be important, and I will need to try and incorporate them into my products, so that they are as effective as possible.
These are the questions which I asked my audience.
Audience Questionnaire
Question 1
What is your gender?
Male | Female |
Question 2
What is you age?
10-20 | 21- 30 | 31-40 | 41+ |
Question 3
What is your Nationality?
England | Scotland | Wales | Europe | Australia | America |
Question 4
Do you like to watch short film?
Yes | No |
Question 5
If yes, how often?
Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
Question 6
What best describes the short films you prefer?
One with a moral message. | One which is artistic | Both | Other |
If other, please state.
Question 7
Where do you watch short films?
Local cinema | On television | On the general internet e.g. YouTube | On specialist short film websites |
Question 8
Do you make and or upload videos onto the internet (not specifically short films)?
Yes | No |
Question 9
Where do you learn about new films?
In film magazines | On the internet | Through friends | on adverts (posters) |
Question 10
Do you read film reviews?
Yes | No |
Question 11
Do you read the mainstream film magazines (Empire, total film) , or independent ones(vertigo)?
Mainstream | Independent |
Question 12
Do the opinions presented by the author contribute to whether you will see a film?
Yes | No |
Question 13
Do you think that movie posters are an effective method of advertising films?
Yes | No |
Question 14
Do you view a film by how effective and good it looks on the poster?
These are the results which I obtained from my questionnaire.
These are the results which I obtained from my questionnaire.
When I create my short film, poster and review, I will take into consideration all of these factors. By doing this I will create a more effective product which will appeal to the audience who are represented in this questionnaire.
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