The sound within films is very important. It is both the diegetic and non-diegetic sound which is what primarily create and enhances the emotion within the scenes. Within the film company which my film will be released with, music is a crucial feature in their films. Many of the films which they make a produce consist of no dialogue, but are instead consisted of mood music soundtracks.
Similarly, in my short film, mood music also plays a key part. The use of the soundtrack helps to evoke the necessary emotion to make the scenes and as a result the whole film effective. My intention is to use sad and iconic songs which the audience will automatically recognise. Within this, I am hoping that these emotions that the songs bring to the audience will help enhance my film. The range of songs will be from both the music industry, and also from the film industry. This should then increase the chance of the audience recognising some of the songs within my short film.
The sad songs which I intend to include within my short film are covers of;
- Eva Cassidy’s- fields of gold
- Evanessence – my immortal
- Celine Dion- My heart will go on
- Sia- Breath me
- Funkedelic- Maggot brain
From the testing which I carried out on whether the scenes were more effective with the inclusion from music, I found that
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