Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Differences to Internet Reviews

I then decided to look at the differences from reviews from magazines to the ones which are published on their websites.

The magazine review which I extracted from review websites include; 
  • Somewhere -Empire magazine website 
  • True Grit- Entertainment weekly website
  • Scretariat- Film Four website

True Grit:

 The only main difference in the actual blurb is the structure of the text. Unlike magazine reviews it is not written in columns, this is the only main real difference. Alothough like other web 2.0 sites, it allows interaction with the public and enables them to leave their comments on the film or review in hand.
However, on the internet reviews there is much more advertisement for other links on the site, or of product placement/advertisement. Such examples include; on the 'True Grit' review, the advert for Bold fabric washing liquid.
On the website for Empire magazine (Somewhere review)  there is a key to the breakdown of star ratings, stating to what each of them stand for. Underneath that it also gives a list of recent films which have been rated by that magazine.
However, they do allow more information on the film to be present, with the trailer for the video available to be viewed, and other still images taken from the film.

Overall, there is primarily the same amount of information present on the actual film, but on the internet version of the reviews their is more content on advertisement to other links and aspects of products on the websites.

When making my own short film review, I could take these findings into consideration, especially if I decide to create a review for a website in addition to one for a review magazine.

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