Directed by Brandon McCormick, this short film is based on a magician who has lost his belief in magic and how a mysterious woman helps him to rediscover what really magic is.
The film switches between both song and dialogue, and like all other Brandon McCormick films (this short film particularly) uses the lighting to reinforce its magical content. “That’s Magic” is a high budget film (estimated at a $20,000 budget), which is part of Whitestone Motion Pictures, and consists of both special effects and green screens, examples include, where the magicians hands become alight and where the magician is watching the father and son in slow motion, whilst he is in life speed.
The short film is set in the past which is primarily evident through the costumes characters are wearing. It could thus be considered that the genre for this film could be a; Historic Musical.
The short film additionally has a good script and consists of many memorable quotes. Including;
"Only the very young and the very foolish believe in magic.
You are mistaken.
Only the very young and the very wise believe in such a thing"
Stereotypically there is also an intended message with the film, being that;
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