Tuesday 29 March 2011


Within my short film I intend to include symbolism, as a result, it should make it appear more artistic. Symbolism within short films is a common feature, thus showing that I have complied with some conventions of short films. Symbolism also plays a key part in ‘Whitestone Motion Picture’s’ short films, for instance, in “The Candy Shop” there was the use of candy sweets and shop, designed to symbolise and represent the sexual exploitation of young girls.
My intention was to create a similar effect within the story of my own film.
I will  include scenes of;
  • A wilting flower
  • A burning candle
  • The burning of pieces of paper with either a photograph of my main character, or with specific words written on.
 They will be incorporated in my piece to show the decay and sadness growing within my main character. Similarly, I want to incorporate stop motion picture scenes within it. This is because I think this added additional artistic feel within my short film and effectively show what I am trying to represent. These intended scenes will then be captured though individual photographs which I will then attach together, to make stop motion picture.

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