Tuesday 29 March 2011

Film Institution

When carrying out research on short films, I came across a boutique motion picture company which I have found their films to be very inspirational and very successful creations of short films.
The film company is:

[Whitestone Motion Pictures]
In particular, the films which are collaborations by director, Brandon McCormick, and composer, Nicholas Kirk.

The primary short films which they have collaborated on are;
·        The candy shop                                                            2010  
·        Heartless: The Story of the Tinman                         2010  
·        Lest We Forget                                                              2009  
·        That’s Magic                                                                 2008  
·        Awake O’Sleeper                                                          2008  
·        The Incredible happenings of Avery Goodman   2007  
·        Alabaster                                                                      2007 
To name but a few

These films are, as a whole, considered being of a fantasy/fantastic genre as they are not intended to be taken literally and are meant to be of emblematic reference. Like many short films they are designed to convey the symbolism and represent the intended message of the film.

I have discovered that with these films, more so compared to all others I have viewed, that these contain and consist of great cinematography, the way in which they successfully use the mise-en scène to evoke thought provoking significance in their short films is truly brilliant. 

Aspects which I feel are of importance in ‘Whitestone Motion Pictures’, short films, are:
·        Lighting
·        Colour
·        Sound – in particular the mood music.
·        Artistic themes

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