Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Symbolism - Candle


For the burning candle I also initially had difficulty setting up the shots and framing the scene effectively.

These two images above were the orginal set up of the frame. They were not used due to the position and lighting of the candle within the frame.

Instead, this shot and frame type was used. This was because, the lighting made it look more professional (the use of artificial light through the use of a lamp). Additionally, the main focus of the shot was in the top 3rd of the frame. By having this it made the transition of the candle burning seem even more effective and dramatic though the stop motion picture. 

The candle was designed to represent the burning out of the character. The original intention was to have the wax dripping off of the candle, which was designed to have a more artisitc but also sinister and gritty effect. however, due to the type of candle used, there was not excess waste produced. 
The shot still looked effective, but it could almost appear that the camera was moving, rather than the candle melting. It is only through the dent on the candle stick that it is evident that this is not the case. 

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